SXSW 2022

Strengthening the Innovation Ecosystem


A recent study by the USPTO found that women comprise only 12% of all inventors named on U.S. patents granted. Other studies have indicated that underrepresented groups have even less involvement in invention, innovation, and the funding and formation of startups. How do we tap into the strength of our nation’s diversity and increase access to STEM programs? How can early exposure to inventor role models inspire young, creative minds to innovate? How can we encourage more people to patent their ideas, trademark their brands, take risks, and engage in new and exciting sectors of the economy? It is imperative that we strengthen the innovation ecosystem and level the playing field so that all innovators, regardless of gender or background, may have the opportunity to change the world.

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  1. Women and minorities are underrepresented in the STEM fields and specifically, on patents. This needs to change.
  2. We are under-utilizing so many bright minds. We need to analyze how we do things in the STEM field and implement changes going forward.
  3. It starts with YOU! From the earliest days of schooling and development to adulthood, we need to inspire and provide opportunities for growth.



Mandy Kraft, Public Affairs Specialist, United States Patent and Trademark Office

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Startups
  • Track 2 Tech Industry
  • Level: Beginner

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