SXSW 2022

Create & Grow: Your Open-Source Community


Research shows that the world’s most successful companies don’t just use open-source software (OSS) – they contribute too. Once the domain of tech companies, OSS has gathered momentum. But open-source adoption can be challenging for more traditional organisations that guard IP closely. How can these organisations launch and grow their own open-source communities?
Yetunde Dada and Katherine Shenton will discuss how firms can tackle OSS, from bringing internal stakeholders along on the journey to presenting products in a way that engages the global developer community. They will draw from their own experiences launching Kedro, the acclaimed first open-source product released by McKinsey & Company, and its centre of excellence in artificial intelligence and machine-learning, QuantumBlack.

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  1. Be relevant - Create an innersource product that people will choose to use. Simply building something interesting won’t bring open-source success.
  2. Collaborate creatively - Set up teams to solve problems across product management, marketing, legal and InfoSec.
  3. Connect - Knowing the routes required to engage the global developer community ensures your product continues to improve long after release.



Katherine Shenton, Global Head Of Marketing, QuantumBlack - A McKinsey Company

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Presentation
  • Track: Tech Industry
  • Track 2
  • Level: Beginner

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