SXSW 2022

My Secret #EdTech Diary - Where To Go From Here


30 years in edtech yields a wealth of perspective about the role of technology in classrooms and opportunities ahead for entrepreneurs, investors, and school IT leaders. Al Kingsley has steered what is arguably one of the largest and longest standing edtech companies through the edtech revolution and has written about the lessons learned in his new book, My Secret #EdTech Diary. With a classic British sense of humor, and a clarity of vision from his industry leadership and his long service on UK school administrative boards, he discusses what has been learned and the opportunities ahead as we emerge from the pandemic.

Mr. Kingsley is named to the list of the 2020 EdTech 50, is a popular blogger, mentor, author, and speaker.

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Other Resources / Information


  1. Learn how to view edtech-or any tech-through a "critical lens" to see opportunities instead of obstacles.
  2. Dig into the collaborative approach of vendor/customer relationships that apply to the education industry or any tech/vendor vertical.
  3. Explore successes and failures and apply those lessons to how school leaders and industry can move forward more productively.



Jennifer Harrison, CEO, Pando Public Relations

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Book Reading
  • Track: Tech Industry
  • Track 2 Startups
  • Level: Advanced

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