SXSW 2022

Future of Food Systems from Lab to Farm to Plate


Sustainability challenges in agriculture with new tech and changing consumer tastes and habits are catalyzing a profound change in what and how we eat, from lab, farm, to plate. We begin with how the food system contributes to climate change and how technology can substantially reduce the environmental footprint “as is”. Next, we explore how changing consumer taste and innovation can unlock more sustainable diets. While plant-based proteins and rapid progress in cultivated meat are generating excitement, consumers are not yet ready to switch en masse. Lastly, we look at how digitization and post-COVID consumer behavior are changing the very experience of buying and eating our food and what role rapid growth of delivery service providers play in impacting the world of food.

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  1. We can feed the world but can we do so sustainably? The food system is massive contributor to climate change, responsible for 25% of GHG emissions
  2. Innovation is not the real bottleneck; consumers will dictate how our food is produced, what we eat, and how we consume it
  3. How consumers engage with food is changing, grocery stores, restaurants, marketplaces, delivery platforms, dark kitchens, dark stores all are fighting



Lisa Lim, Communications Manager, McKinsey & Company

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Presentation
  • Track: Climate Change
  • Track 2 Tech Industry
  • Level: Advanced

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