SXSW 2022

A 24hr Cycle of Human-Centric Lighting


The role of lighting in public spaces has transformed dramatically in recent years, with technology such as circadian wellness lighting and UVC sanitation. A new industry and the need for 24 hour human centric lighting is emerging to help improve how we interact with public spaces moving into a post pandemic world. UVC sanitation must be integrated carefully to prevent harming individuals, that's why the approach to integrating it with a 24 hour controlled system is the future for its safe public use. Circadian wellness lighting operates when people are occupying a space, and sanitization lighting turns on whenever spaces are empty through advanced sensors.

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  1. Discuss the technologies of circadian rhythm lighting and UVC sanitation. Review how these different technologies can be combined.
  2. Review the common challenges associated with public spaces and how the future of lighting can help solve them.
  3. Demonstrate the exploding market for innovative lighting to improve the safety, health, and costs of public spaces.



Robert Pope, Founder, Lumisan

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Presentation
  • Track: Health & MedTech
  • Track 2
  • Level: Beginner

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