SXSW 2022

Conformity vs. Embracing Your Identity


This presentation will equip and empower you via the topics of identity, life experiences, self-doubt, diversity, the need for curiosity, compassion, a synopsis of my story, effective communication, equity, and well-being.
Embracing one’s identity is difficult, but mandatory if you want to lead your best life and be happy doing so. What would music be like if people didn’t embrace their voice, their story, or the music that feeds their souls…it wouldn’t be so powerful, would it?
The challenge for many people is the inability to freely be themselves. In a letter series and coaching program called Dear Mixed Girl, the exploration of self and embracing of potential meet collide.
No matter your background or identity, you have the right to lead a compassionate, flourishing, and joyful life.

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  1. Participants will be able to identify what makes them special/unique and how that matters in the world that they live in.
  2. Participants will develop empathetic tools to use in the midst of diversity and the rejection of diverse thought processes and views.
  3. Participants will be challenged to re-shape their mindsets by documenting how they can uniquely adapt to an ever-changing world.


  • KayLa Allen, Transformational Coach & Expert on Shaping Thriving Futures, Dr. KayLa N. Allen


KayLa Allen, Transformational Coach & Expert On Shaping Thriving Futures, Dr. KayLa N. Allen

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Presentation
  • Track: Culture
  • Track 2 Future of Music
  • Level: Intermediate

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