What We Can Learn from Fred Rogers' Blueprints


Fred Rogers was more than a nice guy in a sweater—he was also a learning scientist who was decades ahead of his time. In this talk, we’ll explore how Fred engineered Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood to develop the “tools for learning” that boost academics and well-being among kids of every background and age. We’ll also discuss how educators can use Fred’s blueprints to nurture those tools today. With examples from Remake Learning, we’ll share inspiring, actionable ways to follow in Fred’s footsteps.

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  1. Discover how Fred Rogers used learning science to help kids develop the "tools for learning"—curiosity, creativity, communication, and more.
  2. Learn why Fred's tools are still essential today, and why Mister Rogers' Neighborhood is a blueprint for modern learning.
  3. Explore how today's educators are using Fred's blueprints to nurture wonder, joy, and belonging, both in and out of school.



Ryan Rydzewski, Writer, The Grable Foundation

Meta Information:

  • Tags: creativity, learning science
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Talk
  • Track: Community Initiatives
  • Session Focus Area K-12 Education
  • Level: Basic Understanding

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