My Secret #EdTech Diary - Lessons & Opportunities


Al Kingsley has steered what is arguably one of the largest and longest standing edtech companies through the edtech revolution and has written about the lessons learned in his new book, My Secret #EdTech Diary. With his 30 years of experience and fresh from publishing his new book, he gives a lightning fast trip through edtech’s history and the lessons learned along the way and the opportunities ahead, which in some cases are quite different from what we would have envisioned two years ago.

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  1. Hear about where to focus efforts in the vendor-school relationship
  2. Learn how to build and maintain the vendor-school relationship
  3. Gain ideas for developing new edtech products or refining existing ones



Jennifer Harrison, CEO, Pando Public Relations

Meta Information:

  • Tags: edtech, leadership
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Future20
  • Track: Business & Investment
  • Session Focus Area K-12 Education
  • Level: Deep Understanding

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