Learning Will Never Be the Same


Employees must continuously develop skills to advance in their jobs, especially as the nature of work changes. Increasingly, employers set the curriculum for their employees and provide the training. What does this mean for the transferability of skills across jobs? Why should companies invest in employees who might leave? And what is the role of post-secondary education for upskilling and re-skilling the workforce? Experts will examine how learning can be better aligned to the world of work.

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  1. Examine and test the boundary between employment and education
  2. Learn about innovative actions companies are taking to reskill their workforce for the changing nature of work
  3. Develop a new perspective on how education systems and corporations could work together


  • Janice Burns, Chief Career Experience Officer, Degreed
  • Jennifer Buchanan, Global Learning and Talent Development Executive, Walmart
  • Thomas Wenzlau, Talent Leader, New Collar Initiatives, IBM
  • Cat Ward, Managing Director, JFFLabs, JFF


Cat Ward, Managing Director, JFF Labs, JFF

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