SXSW 2022

Leadership through the lens of an Actor's tools


An Actor knows that the quality of our influence in life is determined by our relationship with one thing, our Conditions. This word defines the two often competing entities of one, our emotions, and two, the facts of the physical world around us. Working with both to achieve the kind of mental and emotional freedom we crave day to day starts with the focus of my workshop, Calling Conditions. I engage participants in a new relationship to emotion, freeing them from the confines of any otherwise limiting feeling condition, and putting this simple and effective tool in their pocket for transformative results in radically increased clarity and presence which will have everyone in their vicinity leaning in.

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  1. Gain a new working relationship with your emotions, and the ability to shift quickly to being in charge of them vs. them being in charge of you.
  2. Gain a sure skill set to simply and immediately increase the power of your presence and influence, very effective before any important meeting.
  3. Feel much more alive, on purpose, and connected to yourself and your power in new and exciting ways that will have those in your life leaning in.



Amelia Felbinger, Speaker And Coach, Amelia Felbinger - Speaker and Coach

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Workshop
  • Track: Culture
  • Track 2 Unsure
  • Level: Advanced

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