SXSW 2022

Rethinking mobility to stay connected sustainably


What transportation will look like in a climate neutral future? Just replacing combustion engines with electric can’t bring about transformational change. From rich megacities to remote communities all must rethink mobility and reinvent ways to stay connected in a sustainable way. The pioneer island of Samsø, Denmark, indigenous communities in Canada, a game changing entrepreneur and innovator and a global car industry brand launch a learning space to share perspectives, visions and expertise in a dialogue with the world. With an electric car as passenger, the panellists touch base with people and communities across America to connect the dots and catalyse real inclusive change on the ground. Austin and SXSW are the ending point of the journey and the starting point of the conversation.

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  1. Clean transportation goals must be translated into local perspectives with the participation of people and communities on the ground
  2. Future mobility is more than moving from A to B; it is freedom; it is being connected; it is culture-bearing and culture-generating
  3. Staying connected is vital for people, communities and commerce; we need to leave old paradigms behind and reinvent ways of doing things



Alexios Chatzimpiros, Project Manager, Samsø Energy Academy

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Transportation
  • Track 2 Climate Change
  • Level: Beginner

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