EdTech in 2020: How Media Is Covering the Beat


EdTech journalists cover the latest trends and innovations at the intersection of education and technology that influence teachers, parents, school districts and policy makers. At the beginning of the pandemic education technology companies first instinct was to make all their offerings free, leaving journalists overwhelmed with the options now available to parents and students. Join us to discuss how the edtech beat changed because of the pandemic, and what journalists are focused on now.

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  1. What journalists trends were journalists expecting from 2020 prior to the pandemic
  2. How their reporting changed since COVID
  3. The shifts taking place in edtech accelerated by the pandemic



Carlos Zavala, Senior Associate, Whiteboard Advisors

Meta Information:

  • Tags: edtech, storytelling
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Converse
  • Track: Media & Public Engagement
  • Session Focus Area
  • Level: Basic Understanding

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