What Is Essential During a Pandemic and Beyond?


The move to remote learning last spring sparked a nationwide reckoning with what it means to prepare kids for future success while confronted with so many immediate challenges. How are education leaders reframing what essential student learning looks like in hybrid or remote environments? How do they ensure students can engage in subjects like science, social studies, art, PE, and digital citizenship? Join us to delve into these questions and more, and share actionable takeaways.

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  1. The audience will discuss what subjects are considered essential.
  2. The audience will learn how schools and districts are balancing curriculum demands while managing hybrid and remote learning.
  3. The audience will explore different strategies for meeting curricular requirements.



Thomas Rodgers, Director, Whiteboard Advisors

Meta Information:

  • Tags: COVID-19, K-12 education
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Talk
  • Track: Practice & Pedagogy
  • Session Focus Area
  • Level: Basic Understanding

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