SXSW 2021

Allyship 2.0


George Floyd. Breonna Taylor. Ahmaud Arbery. Being Black in America means more than daily inequities. It too often is a death sentence. With racial injustice boiling over and protests turning violent during rising discord in America, people are struggling to figure out how to talk about Black Lives Matter in the workplace. Allyship 2.0 identifies the intent and actions needed to be champions of change. It starts with getting comfortable with discomfort, authentic reflection, and a willingness to create opportunities for others to rise up.

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  1. Intentionally giving up a sense of power and privilege is essential to be an ally.
  2. Small actions, like calling out co-workers and family members for racist comments and discriminatory behavior, matters.
  3. The importance of listening, self-educating, reading and understanding the experiences and pain people of color have faced throughout history.



Jennifer Comiteau, Founder, Comiteau Communications

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