Intermediary Leadership and Designing for Equity


This talk will focus on the critical role intermediaries play in developing equitable college and career pathways. We will highlight strategies that improve systems and outcomes for youth of color and youth experiencing poverty. We will also discuss how intermediaries can motivate systems-level leaders to identify and dismantle inequitable barriers, and the challenges we collectively face to embed equitable values, policies, and practices at the heart, and not just a part, of intermediary work.

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  1. Strategies and practices for how intermediaries can center DEI in their work supporting equitable pathways design and implementation
  2. How to leverage six core intermediary functions—convene, connect, vision, voice, operations, outcomes—to lead and design for equity
  3. Key intermediary “design” considerations that focus and increase impact in equitable access and outcomes at scale



Kyle Hartung, Associate Vice President, Jobs for the Future

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