SXSW 2021

Creating Organic Buzz in a Socially Distant World


In a time of COVID-19, artists have had to adapt to creating buzz and fan engagement from the road to at home. While artists have faced a number of challenges, this time has presented new ways to connect with fans authentically. Speakers will discuss concrete ways artists can organically tell their stories and grow their audiences in a socially distant setting. They’ll walk through recent innovations and findings in technology and digital marketing to take music releases to a new level.

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  1. Translating fan engagement from the road into fan engagement from home
  2. Uncover interesting and unique strategies artists should be utilizing
  3. Discuss the innovations in social media & technology on the music industry



Michelle Golden, Senior Manager, Brand Marketing, The Orchard

Meta Information:

  • Tags: Future of Music
  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Connection in Disconnection
  • Track 2
  • Level: Intermediate

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