Meeting the Moment with Multi-Funder Collaboration


Education philanthropy over the past few decades has been typified by donors working independently. From funders of point solutions to investments in catalytic philanthropy, the common thread is going it alone. Today, a confluence of challenges are galvanizing multi-donor collaboratives to approach mission-oriented activities in new ways-- with more collaboration, and by expanding their work beyond traditional philanthropy. This session will explore the different models of giving and discuss wa

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  1. Learn how funders are locking arms to create more holistic pathways that connect individuals with the supports they need.
  2. Understand how groups like Imaginable Futures are using mission-oriented capital in flexible ways to promote positive social outcomes.
  3. Hear from leading education donors on how they’ve shifted their approach to meet the moment and give better, together.



Briana Bell, Communication Associate, Whiteboard Advisors

Meta Information:

  • Tags: funding
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Talk
  • Track: Community
  • Session Focus Area
  • Level: Field Experience

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