SXSW 2021

Technology: Enemy or Ally in Healthcare?


While technology has undoubtedly been instrumental in advancing access to healthcare, it has also posed hidden dangers for those seeking care online. In 2020, more Americans looked for health info online than ever before, but who is ensuring this health information is accurate, high-quality, and strictly vetted? Members of the healthcare community across sectors have a responsibility to join forces and closely examine operations used to review health information to ensure people are receiving rigorously scrutinized answers to their questions. Four leading doctors will discuss the dangers of spreading health misinformation and why the future of safe access to online care relies on making technology our ally in providing the public with credible health information.

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  1. Hear how doctors, regulators, and tech leaders can work together to ensure only strictly vetted health information is shared with the public.
  2. Learn the operations needed to ensure technology is used as an ally in fixing healthcare disparities, not an enemy in spreading misinformation.
  3. Understand both the advantages and dangers of technology making health information and services more accessible than ever before.



Amelia Melching, Public Relations Associate, cred

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