SXSW 2021

Road to Zero: Addressing Sustainability in Finance


Money makes the world go round—and destroys it in the process. The energy consumed to produce most currencies today, from physical money to digital assets, contributes heavily to pollution, deforestation and a large carbon footprint. In response to these environmental consequences, global leaders across industries are committing to reduce their carbon footprints to reach carbon net-zero by 2050. Join speakers from Ripple, ConsenSys, Energy Web Foundation, and Rocky Mountain Institute, to discuss the economic and environmental implications of the existing financial system, and how fintech can play a critical role in making a carbon-neutral future for global finance a reality as broad adoption of digital payments, like cryptocurrencies and blockchain, takes hold.

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  1. Examine the environmental impact of current cryptocurrency mining processes and compare the energy consumed to produce leading digital assets.
  2. Understand the need to address sustainability as a global priority.
  3. Learn how fintech companies can take the lead to ensure a sustainable future for global finance as blockchain and cryptocurrencies become mainstream.



Alyx Saupe, Associate, credPR

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