SXSW 2021

Building a More Inclusive US Economy


The COVID-19 pandemic has magnified areas of inequality and inequity across society—in terms of both lives and livelihoods. History shows us that those who are the hardest hit during a crisis have the least ability to bounce back and take the longest. Unemployment and underemployment, barriers to educational attainment, and workplace trends like automation add even more pressure on the most vulnerable segments of our population. This session will explore these challenges and lay out the type of collaboration between the public, private, and social sectors that can help build a more resilient, inclusive, post-pandemic economy.

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  1. COVID-19 vulnerable jobs by industry, occupation, and U.S. state; economic impact of COVID-19 by gender, race, education, and income across the U.S.
  2. Skillsets/pathways that help lead workers toward more resilient, higher-wage jobs, particularly for people without degrees or traditional experience
  3. How to close the talent supply-demand gap between workers and employers



Ben Saft, Head Of Communications - Covid Response Center, McKinsey & Company

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