SXSW 2021

Level the Playing Field: Accessing the New Economy


Economic inequality, whether through the lens of income or opportunity, has created an undeniable divide between communities globally. With the impossible-to-ignore friction and disparity caused by this economic imbalance, what are the advancements driving us toward increased accessibility and a prosperous future for all? In this panel, leaders across Transportation & FinTech, Banking & Finance, and Social Entrepreneurship will discuss how companies have a responsibility to level the playing field. From financial inclusion, to employment opportunities for high-risk youth, to clean affordable transportation, this talk will break down the challenges in the U.S. and elsewhere, as the economy evolves and how we can tackle classism to bring solutions for those that need it the most.

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  1. Understand how classism in the United States and around the globe is a multifaceted issue that requires approaches from different angles.
  2. Currently, populations tend to hold each other down rather than lift each other up. Learn why a systematic overhaul is required to achieve change.
  3. Discover ways leaders are creating access to finance, employment, mobility, etc. to increase opportunities that can later lead to success.



Asia Camagong, Senior Associate, cred

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