SXSW 2021

From Green to Red: Data, Art and the Environment


Can the convergence of art and technology save the planet? Artist and Innovator Beatie Wolfe and XR industry leaders The Mill will use real-time technology to showcase an immersive installation tracking the impact of human behaviour on the planet, built using 800,000 years of historic data. ‘From Green to Red’ is simultaneously a stirring visualization of the planet’s timeline (and atmospheric CO2 levels), a protest song and a reimagining of the music video format. Audiences will interact live, exploring their impact on the climate as individuals and a collective. Both Beatie and The Mill have powerful legacies of creating ‘first of its kind’ content with Beatie’s retro-future album designs resulting in her being the first singer-songwriter since Bowie to have a solo V&A Museum exhibition.

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  1. Greater understanding of the scale of human impact on the planet
  2. How technology and art can create powerful social change and awareness
  3. The potential new applications and formats for fine-art, popular music and visual content.



Bethan Horton, Head of Marketing & PR, The Mill

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