SXSW 2021
From Green to Red: Data, Art and the Environment
Can the convergence of art and technology save the planet? Artist and Innovator Beatie Wolfe and XR industry leaders The Mill will use real-time technology to showcase an immersive installation tracking the impact of human behaviour on the planet, built using 800,000 years of historic data. ‘From Green to Red’ is simultaneously a stirring visualization of the planet’s timeline (and atmospheric CO2 levels), a protest song and a reimagining of the music video format. Audiences will interact live, exploring their impact on the climate as individuals and a collective. Both Beatie and The Mill have powerful legacies of creating ‘first of its kind’ content with Beatie’s retro-future album designs resulting in her being the first singer-songwriter since Bowie to have a solo V&A Museum exhibition.
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- Greater understanding of the scale of human impact on the planet
- How technology and art can create powerful social change and awareness
- The potential new applications and formats for fine-art, popular music and visual content.
- Beatie Wolfe, Musician, Singer-Songwriter
- Dan Phillips, Executive Producer, Emerging Technology, The Mill
Bethan Horton, Head of Marketing & PR, The Mill
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