SXSW 2021

No Planet B: Designing a More Resilient Future


Resilience is an expanding theme in today’s world. Having been made acutely aware of the fragility of our cities, economies, and people, attention now turns to safe-guarding and future-proofing. What this looks like in the context of the built environment, how it is achieved and the effect this has on health and well-being, is the focus of this session. Here, we question the current modus operandi of our cities and go back to the drawing board to determine what a truly resilient urban system looks like in reality. It will look at increasing capacity for recovery, mechanisms for withstanding crisis and adapting to change, while also previewing the Resiliency Accelerator Index™ - a bespoke diagnostic tool informed by CRTKL’s key factors that assesses and grades the ability to be resilient.

Related Media


  1. Why now? Understanding the perfect storm that was 2020 and the factors that put resiliency at the top of economic, behavioral and planning agendas.
  2. Defining resilience in the context of the built environment, the key principles of resilient urban systems and how they shape society for the better.
  3. How this knowledge and the Resiliency Accelerator Index can be applied in practice for the greater good of our cities and citizens.


  • Matthew Tribe, Executive Director, Office Leader, Dubai, CallisonRTKL


Yoandra Diaz, Account Executive, UpSpring PR

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