Lessons from Scaling Completion Grants


In 2017, the University Innovation Alliance (UIA) launched an initiative to scale completion grants for low-income students facing financial barriers to graduation. Based on a model first implemented at Georgia State University, UIA institutions have supported over 4,000 students with grants of $1,000 or less - and 85% persist or graduate within 2 terms. In this session, leaders from 3 institutions will share what they learned about how to make completion grants programs effective.

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  1. Participants will learn key components of a completion grants program, based on lessons from participating UIA campuses.
  2. Participants will learn what first steps they should take to get started implementing a completion grants program on their campus.
  3. Participants will learn what questions to ask as they design a completion grants program to meet their specific campus context.



Anna Drake Warshaw, Director of Partnerships, Learning, & Evaluation, University Innovation Alliance

Meta Information:

  • Tags: higher education
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Converse
  • Track: Practice & Pedagogy
  • Session Focus Area
  • Level: Field Experience

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