It Gets Better w/ LGBTQ+ Youth Voices


As youth-serving educators and professionals at conferences like SXSW EDU, we spend a lot of time talking about our kids and on behalf of them. It's time to turn over the mic. Please join us for this incredible panel featuring the It Gets Better Project's Youth Voices - a group of LGBTQ+ young ambassadors sharing their perspectives, insights, and ideas on how to make safer and more inclusive schools for all.

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  1. Establish a safe and inclusive space within the SXSWedu programming for LGBTQ+ students and the experiences and perspectives they bring to the table.
  2. Help educators and allies understand how LGBTQ+ students are directly impacted (or not) by the policies and curriculum enacted on their behalf.
  3. Motivate LGBTQ+ educators and allies to advocate for LGBTQ-inclusive school policies and curriculum and to take part in their implementation.



Justin Tindall, Director, Education and Global Programming, It Gets Better Project

Meta Information:

  • Tags: student voice
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Converse
  • Track: Equity & Justice
  • Session Focus Area
  • Level: Deep Understanding

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