SXSW 2021

Impact-Driven Inclusion: Creating Value Via Access


Marginalized groups were once considered outlier users; often neglected during ideation and denied access to the full range of functionality within an experience. In an industry on the precipice of change, we’ve found that disabilities are in fact a mismatch between a user’s needs and their environment, not “edge cases” to be neglected. We learned that in the face of inequality, products could never be justice driven. Luckily, we creative thinkers consider these issues solvable. By expanding our design methodologies, we open the aperture to who our users are and how we might better serve them.

Good design, that serves all users well, is accessible to all users. Inclusive solutions reach underserved markets, increase ROI and improve our products for the full spectrum of human experience.

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  1. To put innovation and design in the hands of all people, we must infuse inclusive practices into every phase and facet of design and development.
  2. Designing with/for underserved groups puts solutions in the hands untapped and expanding markets, drives better customer experiences and brand loyalty
  3. Good design, that best serves all users, is accessible to all users



Nicole Chavez, Senior Designer, McKinsey & Company

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