SXSW 2021

Content Strategy Hacks to Save Civil Discourse


In the current political climate, it seems like we've all but given up on productive, respectful discourse. However, there are simple design and content strategy choices we can make that encourage collaboration over conflict, even when dealing with hot-button issues. In this thought-provoking session we'll look at real-world examples of how the way we phrase a question or design an interaction (or even the objects in a room) can have a huge impact on the quality of conversation, and the three rules you can use to change course from a fight to a constructive exchange. You get the conversation you design for. This session will help you design for a better one.

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  1. You'll walk away with tips, tricks, and exercises to get folks who usually argue to collaborate instead.
  2. You'll see a number of content strategies and interaction designs that have successfully reduced online harassment.
  3. You'll learn about some of the cognitivie biases that prevent us from having better conversations and how to design around them.



David Dylan Thomas, Content Strategy Advocate, Think Company

Meta Information:

  • Tags: Connection & Culture
  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Presentation
  • Track: Connection in Disconnection
  • Track 2
  • Level: Beginner

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