SXSW 2021

Virtual Sponsorships: What Are You Selling?


How do you keep your sponsors when you can't hold your event? In a world where virtual events may be the new normal, being able to provide sponsors with value is a matter of creativity and communication. Without being able to reach live event audiences, brands continue to look for meaningful ways to partner with the right event. During this discussion with A2IM, the producers of Indie Week will recap how we took the world's largest conference for independent labels completely virtual in three months while retaining all committted sponsors and get insights from the minds behind the sponsorship experience of Music Tectonics and Thriving Roots

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Other Resources / Information


  1. How to engage sponsors during virtual events.
  2. What virtual experiences are sponsors looking to partner on?
  3. What sponsored experiences resonate with virtual event attendees?



Courtnay Moriarty, Manager, Member Services & Partnerships, A2IM

Meta Information:

  • Tags: Future of Music
  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Connection in Disconnection
  • Track 2
  • Level: Advanced

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