What Today's Kids Need for Tomorrow's World


Today’s world is volatile and uncertain. 2020 magnified what happens when a centuries-old pandemic—America’s brand of racism and anti-Blackness—collides with an altogether new pandemic, COVID-19. Growing up in the midst of these unprecedented changes and challenges is altering young people's wiring and future prospects. In this talk, author Stephanie Krauss shares what today's kids need to prepare for tomorrow's world, and how that extends beyond the schoolhouse and into the community.

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  1. Understand what it means to be digital and disruption natives--and the impact that is having on young people's lives and futures.
  2. Learn what life currencies young people need to make it in a changing world: competencies, connections, credentials, and cash.
  3. Identify what you can do to be a currency-builder, making readiness a right for the young people in your life.


  • Stephanie Malia Krauss, Senior Director, JFF


Stephanie Malia Krauss, Senior Director, Jobs for the Future

Meta Information:

  • Tags: K-12 education
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Talk
  • Track: Community
  • Session Focus Area
  • Level: Deep Understanding

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