SXSW 2021

Feeding the Force: Army Food Trucks?


Join a discussion with the United States Department of Defense, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), and experienced logistics professionals to learn about the improvements being made in food tech. How does the military feed its soldiers across the globe? What does it take to resupply in austere, immature locations? This panel will review the latest supply chain technologies, preservative techniques, and packaging that have direct applications in other industry sectors.

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Other Resources / Information


  1. Learn what solutions are readily available and the research and development underway to produce new innovations in food tech.
  2. Discover what aspects of food tech innovation have been patented and commercialized.
  3. Connect with experts who are working on solving logistical challenges on a grand scale.



Megan Hoyt, Regional Outreach Officer, United States Patent and Trademark Office

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