SXSW 2021

Anosmia is my Superpower: Life Without Smell


Have YOU ever wondered what life would be like without a sense of smell? This exciting session introduces audience members to the invisible, yet very real world of anosmia. Through entertaining anecdotes, highlighting some of my most important life lessons of resiliency and adaptation, attendees will have an inside look into the physical dangers and social implications of anosmia life. Inclusivity is the focus and to amplify the much-needed conversations concerning official diagnosis, research and understanding, I will include a Q&A to answer my most FAQ’s. Most importantly, I will also provide friends and family helpful tips on how they can be their best version of a “Designated Nose.” It will be an entertaining talk designed to fully connect with and empower anosmics and all attendees.

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  1. Congenital/acquired anosmics will leave feeling represented and empowered. They will identify with/be encouraged by my personal examples of resiliency
  2. Friends and loved ones of anosmics will learn the do’s and don’ts of how to offer better assistance and support. Tips and best practices.
  3. Inclusivity. Attendees will be inspired to reflect on the need for further research, official diagnosis and awareness for smell and taste disorders



Yazmin Salazar, Creator, Girl Who Cant Smell LLC

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