1 Year Later: Student Journalism in Historic Year


From covering remote learning, racial justice and policing in America, and the presidential election, student journalists excelled in adjusting to a new reporting environment. Join them for a discussion about how a recalibrated journalism curriculum gave them a sense of agency and ensured that their stories were part of the first draft of history. Attendees will be encouraged to think about how to cultivate, prioritize, and elevate youth voice in relation to issues that matter to Gen Z.

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  1. Attendees will learn how students use journalism to understand major events in 2020, and how journalism can be a path to civic engagement.
  2. Attendees will learn how young people are influenced by student-driven stories, and the importance of project-based learning.
  3. Attendees will learn how to strengthen student civic engagement and critical thinking in and out of the classroom, especially around current events.



Marcus Markle, Communications Manager, PBS Newshour Student Reporting Labs

Meta Information:

  • Tags: storytelling, student voice
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Work
  • Track: Media & Public Engagement
  • Session Focus Area
  • Level: Field Experience

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