SXSW 2021

Reimagining Human Connection With Experiences


What happens to experiences, with everyone staying home? How do we continue to build community, without in-person connection?

Branded experiences—think RedBull’s Flugtag or a tour of your favorite local brewery—have always been popular, but now they have a new level of importance: while everyone is at home, more people are turning to virtual experiences for human interaction and connection.

This has been a huge shift for Steam Whistle and Uncle Nearest—both previously invested in in-person events, but have made the change to virtual tours and classes, with surprising results. Hear from these influential beverage brands as they discuss the role brands can play in igniting human connection during times of physical separation, and why we need to reimagine the concept of “live events."

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  1. Discover how some of today’s biggest brands have innovated and built community despite the challenges of COVID
  2. Hear a discussion on the future of live events, and how brands will help revolutionize experiences.
  3. Understand the importance of experiences today: for the economy, for social connection, and for community.



Bethany Onsgard, Manager, cred

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