From HBCU to PhD: Social Capital & Student Success


This talk will feature 4 experts who began their collegiate careers as students at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). It will provide insight into how HBCUs are uniquely suited to be the center of a higher education ecosystem that produces Black scientist and scholars in both STEM and education. We will address how the diversity of thought and social capital cultivated at HBCUs produces professionals who are capable of navigating the highest levels of education and STEM.

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  1. To identify strategies for increasing social capital among individuals from minoritized (Black) communities in higher education
  2. To identify strategies for recruiting & retaining people from minoritized (Black) communities as graduate students, professors, and administrators
  3. To recognize how the diversity of thought within Black communities is essential for advancing STEM in education and entrepreneurship.



Langston Clark, Associate Professor, The University of Texas at San Antonio

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