Connecting T(w)eens in Virtual Communities


Community + Connection + Innovation
Hear how a t(w)een virtual summer camp created during COVID turned into the inspiration for building a new virtual community for t(w)een entrepreneurs around the world. This session is full of tips for how to create connections, build community, and foster innovation in a virtual classroom. Speakers will also share how they navigated the setbacks and failures that occurred along the way. Hear from adult + t(w)een creators of virtual communities.

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  1. Attendees will hear the top 3 tips for creating virtual classrooms and communities that t(w)eens want to attend. (Hear directly from t(w)eens!)
  2. Attendees will get the strategies needed to avoid the pitfalls and setbacks the speakers experienced during the building of their virtual communities.
  3. Attendees will have a deeper understanding of why t(w)eens need connection and community as they spend more time in virtual classes.



Sarah Hernholm, Founder / President, WIT - Whatever It Takes

Meta Information:

  • Tags: COVID-19
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Talk
  • Track: Community
  • Session Focus Area
  • Level: Field Experience

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