SXSW 2021

Blockchain For Filmmakers & Increasing Connection


200,000+ filmmakers are in the Facebook group "Protect Yourself from Distribber & Predatory Film Aggregators". Besides the sad fact that sales revenues for Independent Filmmakers are at an all-time low, there is a disconnect between filmmakers and their viewers when audiences watch on platforms. With the rise of blockchain and cryptocurrencies, the future for digital content is a decentralized network that allows for global connectivity, full transparency, and no more reliance on distributors pitching your film to major platforms in order to reach audiences. Documentarian, Brooke Bierhaus (Director & Creator of the feature-film "The Connected Cup" that uncovers the global language of coffee and tea as human connectors), spurred this innovation after years of frustration in the industry.

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  1. Introducing filmmakers to the benefits of understanding the world of Blockchain & Cryptocurrency as the new future of distribution.
  2. Expand the idea of "connectivity". Can we combine traditional connection with new technology to further a global connection?
  3. Teach audiences how a simple cup of coffee can change your day, your life, and even the world.



Brooke Bierhaus, Documentary Filmmaker, Founder, & Visual Storyteller, Connected Cup Coffee Co

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