SXSW 2021

Redesigning the Urban Environment for Extreme Heat


To adapt to climate change, we need to transform our cities using climate-responsive urban design. Cities face increasing heat risks, but can use proven, cost-effective solutions to protect their residents and enhance equity. This includes taking urban space back from cars and increasing greenery and tree cover, specifically in historically redlined neighborhoods. COVID-19 has demonstrated the importance and multiple benefits of these actions and quality public space. I will use examples from cities like Milan, NYC, Phoenix, Medellin, and Paris to show how cities are adapting to extreme heat and outline how they need to be bolder, more aggressive and equitable as temperatures rise.

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  1. Cities need to deal with the reality of more frequent and intense periods of extreme heat – driven by climate change and urban design
  2. There are common sense solutions we can take today to cool cities and protect our most vulnerable citizens
  3. Cities are taking actions, but the distribution, pace and scale of adoption needs to be greatly accelerated to deal with a dramatically hotter future



Erin Gordon, Manager, The Current Global

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