SXSW 2021

Recharge & Recovery: Philly's Response to COVID-19


The ripple effect of the COVID-19 pandemic has deep implications, particularly in Philadelphia, the nation's 6th largest MSA. For a city once on the rebound, the pandemic cost the region's businesses an estimated 8.1% of GDP, 735,000 people lost jobs, and the size and severity of vulnerable and underserved communities grew rapidly. The Chamber of Commerce for Greater Philadelphia recognized the issue and quickly mobilized 160 of the region's top business and civic leaders to develop a groundbreaking initiative unlike any other in the U.S., dubbed "Recharge and Recovery," to create short-term, actionable solutions to reenergize the city's economy. Speakers will discuss the origins, share a blueprint for other cities, and explain how inclusive partnerships can lead all citizens to thrive.

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  1. How cities can adopt similar programs in order to help their respective region recover, while emphasizing safety, inclusivity and equity.
  2. Public-private partnerships are needed and can create more meaningful, effective solutions than any one organization or industry can do alone.
  3. How Philadelphia’s Recharge and Recovery initiative can serve as a national model to jump start other cities and regions.



Susan Jacobson, President and CEO, Jacobson Strategic Communications

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