SXSW 2020

Parenting and Running A Business: A True Story


We have a corporate education company called 42formas. In 2018, Marcos Arthur came saying that he wanted to spend most of his time raising Otto, his first child. After his wife maternity leave come to an end, they talked and decided that this was the best solution for them and for the kid. His proposal was to take care of Otto from monday to wednesday and spend time with 42formas on thursday and friday.

This panel intends to discuss the implications and learnings for Marcos, his family and for the business. What Felipe, his business partner, had to do in order to embrace this new reality and keep company running? How Marcos can make the most of his business time and keep things separated?

That being said,

Related Media

Other Resources / Information


  1. The agreements that a company and his partners have to make in order to keep the business running and with a positive environment?
  2. How we can contribute to the discussion about sharing parenting responsibilities in the families? What are the modern HR policies regarding paternity
  3. The do's and don'ts of this decision and how you can apply in your own reality.


  • Felipe Menhem, Co-founder, 42formas
  • Marcos Arthur Mendonça Junior, Co-founder, 42formas


Felipe Menhem, Co-founder, 42formas

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Workplace
  • Track 2
  • Level: Beginner

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