SXSW 2020

Are We Ready for Cellular Ag?


Cellular agriculture and alternative-based foods have suddenly broken into the mainstream. A food revolution is nigh as our food supply chain is moving away from a dependence on animals.

What new opportunities will this transition create? And what new challenges will it uncover in our food systems? While implications for cellular agriculture are huge, the implementation has been difficult. It’s unclear whether consumers are ready to accept cell-based meat, and the technology needed to scale cell-based meat is still in its infancy.

This panel of cell ag experts and bioengineers will explore what it will take to get cell-based meat out of the lab and into the grocery store. How do we harness the potential of this revolutionary technology in a way that is sustainable and profitable?

Other Resources / Information


  1. As adoption grows, how will cellular ag effectively scale to overtake the traditional food manufacturing?
  2. What problems does cellular ag potentially solve, and more importantly, what new challenges might it create?
  3. What are the cultural barriers standing in between adoption of cellular agriculture? Are these fears founded and how are they overcome?


  • Brittany Solano, Vice President, JDI
  • Juan Francisco Llamazares, CEO and Founder, Stamm Bio
  • Ahmed Khan, Founder & Editor, CellAgri
  • Ka Yi Ling, Chief Science Officer & Co-Founder, Shiok Meats


Brittany Solano, Vice President, Jones-Dilworth Inc

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Fantastic Future
  • Track 2
  • Level: Intermediate

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