SXSW 2020
Opportunity Zones as Inclusive Tech Ecosystems
A lot of hype and uncertainty still surrounds a new federal tax break that defers taxes on realized capital gains. However, a few unlikely cities are preparing to turn that hype into real opportunity by leveraging the tech sector as a critical lever through an intentional and intersectional focus. Opportunity Zones provide a chance to build an inclusive economy for local communities that exist outside of well-known technology hubs-- such as Fresno, Kansas City, and Oakland--if done right. This panel explores strategic investments centered on startups and tech talent ecosystem development led by, with,and for people of color.Community investments that increase inclusion, equity, and opportunity for underrepresented people of color require intentional focus and stakeholder accountability.
Other Resources / Information
- Learn more about the history of well-known innovation hubs and ecosystem gaps that lead to a lack of diversity and inclusion.
- Gain deeper insights about the models the startup and ecosystem leaders in Oakland, Fresno, and Kansas City are taking through a racial justice lens.
- Gleen best practices for collaboration with stakeholders to bring greater attention to regions with non-traditional tech talent and startup founders.
- Lili Gangas, Chief Tech Community Officer, Kapor Center
- Irma Olguin, Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder, Bitwise Industries
- Rodney Sampson, Executive Chairman & Chief Executive Officer , Opportunity Hub
- Jose Corona, Director of Equity & Strategic Partnerships, City of Oakland
Lili Gangas, Chief Tech Community Officer, Kapor Center
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