SXSW 2020

Are You Lonesome Tonight?


The experts tell us people all over the developed world are in the throes of a loneliness epidemic. US Public-health officials say that loneliness is now killing more people than smoking. Japanese media tracks “lonely deaths,” bodies of “kinless” men and women left for weeks and months. The British government has even appointed a Minister of Loneliness. This panel maps the terrain of loneliness and shows how dissolving family ties have corroded individual lives and community life, fueling an opioid crisis and “deaths of despair.”

Other Resources / Information


  1. One major cause of loneliness is family breakdown
  2. Every human society depends on “kin” for protection and care
  3. Kinlessness is stressing our health-care system which is left to care for those who have no family ties



Abigail Salvatore, Director Of Media Relations, The Manhattan Institute for Policy Research

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Connection & Culture
  • Track 2
  • Level: Advanced

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