SXSW 2020

Ag, Food, and Tech Must Merge Not Collide


The average farmer made negative $1549 last year. The average child will tell you his/her food comes from a grocery store. Tech is a tool that can help farmers and consumers see a better world--for both our diets and planet.

The intersection of ag, food, and tech must merge, not collide. Farmers are innovators who are demanding new tools for technology on their farms to grow more with less. We must use data that is available today to help our farmers improve their efficiency, create custom systems to figure out how to grow more with less, and sustainably. We need to make sure our supply chain all works together to produce more with less, from farm to table.

With big commitments coming from brands almost every other day, what works? What doesn't? How can companies work together?

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  1. A tech-driven supply chain must be a collaborative effort across ag, food, and tech and work seamlessly with other industry sectors to see success.
  2. Our farmers are struggling. We need to shed light on the issue facing farmers today and make conscious choices to support sustainable agriculture.
  3. It is clear that Artificial Intelligence and Big Data are not a fad, but a revolution. We need to benefit from investing in data in the next year.



Christina Ferzli, Head Of Global Affairs And Communications, Ocean Spray

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Fantastic Future
  • Track 2
  • Level: Intermediate

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