I’m a Business, Man: How to “Expertize” Yourself


Many teachers and academics have cultivated a deep base of knowledge in the fields that they teach and/or research but may not consider themselves “experts.” If Malcolm Gladwell is right that it takes 10,000 hours to achieve mastery in any given field, most people are experts in something once they’ve put in the time. This panel will outline how teachers and academics can use their knowledge to become well-known experts, with opportunities for speaking, consulting, and book publishing.

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  1. That teachers and academics are perfectly suited to serve as experts, especially in the fields that they teach and/or research.
  2. Strategies to turn experience into expertise which can lead to speaking, consulting and writing opportunities.
  3. Suggestions for the unique considerations teachers and academics face in becoming experts in their chosen fields.



Shontavia Johnson, Associate Vice President, Clemson University

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