The New New Normal: Trad. & Working Adult Learners


Seldom do schools have a moment to compare two fundamental audiences of potential students: traditional, first-time students and working adult learners. This session will utilize Eduventures’ traditional and adult learner demand studies to highlight the distinct, but in some cases overlapping behavioral mindsets of prospective students. We'll compare how schools can effectively diversify their marketing, recruit successfully, and provide support services.

Other Resources / Information


  1. How to effectively market and recruit to adult learners
  2. The key differences between traditional and adult learner mindsets,
  3. How to appropriately provide student support services for the adult learner market



Sean Duffy, Partnerships, Capital Factory

Meta Information:

  • Tags: blended learning
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Case Study
  • Track: Higher Education
  • Session Focus Area
  • Level: Deep Understanding

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