SXSW 2020

The State of Sync: How To Find ‘Em, Pick ‘Em


Music is everywhere. Advertising commercials, television shows, streaming platforms, exclusive specials, the silver screen. You name it. How do you decide what opportunities are right for you? Once you nail down your target list, how do pitch your track for sync licensing and tailor each request based on the needs of the medium? This session will reveal what music supervisors are looking for through case study examples, review results of placement through analytics and socials, and tell all: how do you get your music in your favorite show, movie, or video game?

Additional Supporting Materials


  1. What is the process for pitching music for sync depending on the format?
  2. How do sync placements for each medium differ?
  3. How can your pitch best serve each?



Michelle Golden, Senior Manager, Brand Marketing, The Orchard

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Creating & Monetizing Music
  • Track 2
  • Level: Intermediate

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