SXSW 2020

Elect Tech 2020


Today’s political climate inextricably links the tech industry to politics, despite the industry’s resistance to threats of hacking, foreign influence, and #fakenews. Disruptive technologies like AR, VR, machine learning, and blockchain can address these threats. The presidential hopeful who best understands and leverages these tools will be the last candidate standing, if history is any indicator.
This panel of experts explores the phenomenon of candidates winning unwinnable presidential elections by using disruptive technology. It also identifies strategies that 2020 candidates can adopt to leverage disruptive technology. This includes both campaign integration and proposed policies, particularly the regulation of tech companies and “corpocurrencies” like Facebook’s Libra.

Additional Supporting Materials

Other Resources / Information


  1. The most prominent examples in history of candidates successfully leveraging technology to win unwinnable elections
  2. Today's most disruptive technologies for the 2020 election cycle
  3. Strategies 2020 candidates and tech companies might take in this crowded field of a high-stakes election to beat the odds and win



Tonya Evans, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs and Director of UNH Law Blockchain Certificate Program, UNH Franklin Pierce School of Law

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Unsure
  • Track 2
  • Level: Beginner

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