SXSW 2020

Why Coaching Makes All the Difference in Esports


Participating in esports provides a refreshing opportunity to acquire skills for the interconnected world, including problem solving, collaboration and emotion management. Esports coaching specifically helps students develop healthy work ethics, strong communication skills, and improve self-esteem. In this session, we will touch on social emotional learning, near-peer mentorship, and inclusion/diversity in scholastic esports, and how coaches play a major role in student development.

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  1. Review social-emotional learning outcomes, identifying the social and emotional skills acquired through practices
  2. Learn different models for near-peer mentorship in scholastic esports
  3. Address opportunities to support inclusion and diversity utilizing coaches



Samantha Anton, Chief Operating Officer, North America Scholastic Esports Federation

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Gaming Industry
  • Track 2
  • Level: Beginner

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