De-centering Whiteness in K-12 Schools


In this session educators will share stories about their journey to fight for the dismantling of white supremacy in K-12 schools. The speakers will share practitioner research that they conducted in schools as well as the actions they took as a result of their findings. These talks will blend storytelling with resource sharing around actionable steps that teachers, principals, and communities can engage in to support equity.

Other Resources / Information


  1. The audience will be able to learn from and collaborate with communities and schools to work towards eliminating racial inequity.
  2. We seek to understand racial equity framework that clearly articulates racial equity; bias; and individual, institutional, and structural racism.
  3. The audience will feel empowered to engage in social justice work in their communities.



Lauren Overton, Principal Of The William M. Meredith School, The School District of Philadelphia

Meta Information:

  • Tags: social justice
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Talk
  • Track: Equity
  • Session Focus Area
  • Level: Field Experience

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