Making Good on the Promise of Brown v. Board


Sixty-five years after the Supreme Court outlawed segregation in Brown v. Board, our schools are still separate and unequal. And so are our classrooms. Any focus on combatting segregation must account for the inequities present even when students of different racial backgrounds learn in the same classrooms. Join this panel of advocates for a discussion on how teachers and schools can counter bias and injustice to build pathways to opportunity for all students in the modern classroom.

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  1. Evaluate the state of educational equity in the post-Brown era, and the factors that continue to stunt progress.
  2. Discuss tactics, through policy and practice, for creating pathways to equitable opportunity within the modern classroom.
  3. Offer audience members tactical guidance for fostering justice and dignity within their own communities.



Rebecca Blair, Assoc, Whiteboard Advisors

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